Can you help please?
Posted by BEV A

I used to think multi-tasking is good skill to have, but multi-tasking actually creates difficulties to achieve optimal results.
That’s how we realise there is so much wisdom in making tea from tea leaf.
Leaf tea actually invites to slow down, doing nothing else but just simply be, enjoy a 3 minute break, with a really good cuppa, and say, “yes, that’s life – how it meant to be”.
Savouring every drop of the good stuff. No interruptions.
Not everyone is ready to do this, but you are. You found us.
And this is why we are so grateful that we have such a fantastic following of like-minded tea lovers.
We want to give back, but need your help – can you give us some feedback on which topic you like us to create an upcoming event?
Post your feedback / comments below:
Location (somewhere in sydney),
Take a friend for free – interested?

Explore Australia's largest selection of Premium Teas & All-Natural Organic Herbal Blends.