Tales from the Tearoom 15
sundance iced tea
Welcome to Sydney: The land of perpetual summer. Yes. That’s right folks. It’s only October and already we are in bleeding hot summer. I can’t wait for the high season of January-February, when the temperature will sour above 40 degrees and blow the mercury!


As part of getting ready for it, may I suggest you stock up on your tea leaves and maybe brew some iced tea in advance?


I plan to drink lots of iced puerh with lots of ice with the fan going. Coming from desert folk like myself, I prefer not to use the aircon: it contributing to our record heatwaves throughout summer.


Even like a day like today, instead of using aircon, I the sliding door open and in the cool breeze I am enjoying the iced puerh my wife made the night before. She made it with dried mandarin peel for a more citrusy zingy taste while not being bitter.


For sweetness I am eating chilled watermelon and sugared dates filled with almond paste (marzipan). It’s a bit of adhoc Bedouin cuisine. Yummy!


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