Stories from the Tearoom 03
Posted by BEV A

Welcome to hot Sydney, where the heat is up and everything is looking yellow. As part of my tea business I spent a lot of time investigating as much as I can about tea: anything and everything. And when I find something that I didn’t know before in an obscure book for example. I will purchase the book then and there, and proceed to digest its contents for the day when I can pass on the info to you guys.
Thankfully most of the ‘real’ knowledge dealing with tea is in the experience. And that experience leads to a place that for some is like seeking the Tao or the Way – Your life’s journey. It is because of this that I am personally passionate about developing a true Australian tea culture that goes beyond just drinking it. Something that is equal to Chado or Kungfu Cha.
In my small part, whenever I make tea for myself or for others, I make it a point to dedicate those few minutes to the art of making tea. It’s also a very good way to get time-out from work. If you know what I mean. This is one of the big reasons on why I am so passionate about tea. It is a way of life that compliments and enhances my baguazhang.
And now I must get back to my pot of mandarin puerh.
Until next time, may good health be with you.

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