Hot Chip, Brownie and tea - Detox now

Brrrr! Hot chips, chocolate cake…winter is certainly my weakness, when it comes to resisting heavy food. I so need to do something to cut the grease.

How about you?

The modern lifestyle is filled with immediate gratifications. We are all getting pretty impatient. In winter time, when nourishing food is a necessity, none of us seem to have enough time to make a decent stew!
I am guilty of such sin too, and certainly washing my mouth with soap is not going to cleanse me from toxins from eating fast food and one too many brownies.I am a busy mum with 2 young girls and a buzzing business (thanking all of your support). My mum repeatedly suggested me to buy a slow cooker to make some “decent” food for the family. I laughed at the idea – I love cooking and eating, but planning ahead every dinner so every morning I put the slow cooker on with XYZ for dinner. Nah, not my thing.

I bought a pressure cooker instead and yes, speed is compatible with me. So off to the kitchen with various stews, lentil soup without burning it!

But, in winter, I just couldn’t resist the hot chips, a nice bowl of hot noodles with some thinly sliced belly pork…I know, I know, what is a stressed out busy working mom to do?

Recently we were talking to our herbalist friend Patricia about cleansing. Patricia is a US-based registered herbalist and nurse with a PhD in Natural Health and has been making herbal teas for over 25 years.

Patricia certainly agrees that we all ought to detox ourselves.

Toxins build up in our tissues even when living a healthy lifestyle.

Stress creates toxins. Many people take prescription medicines, adding extra toll to our liver and kidneys.

Despite our best efforts, our bodies become more toxic with each passing year.

So what is good for detox, that is gentle to the body as well?

To this question, Patricia suggests a few great herbs to get some cleansing going, anytime of the year.Rooibos: this South African anti-oxidants rich herb helps to detoxify and prevent damage to the liver, which is the major organ of detoxification within the body.Hibiscus: adds zing to your tea! It’s been shown to lower blood pressure and benefit the entire circulatory system.Marigold: rich in antioxidants. It is one of the best herbs to promote the health of the skin. Our skin is one of our major detoxifying organs. It keeps out toxins and eliminates them as well.
Rose: packed with vitamin C. Vitamin C is one of the most powerful antioxidants known. Rose gently cleanses and supports all of the body’s tissues.Cinnamon: warming, spicy cinnamon promotes circulatory and digestive health. Cinnamon helps to regulate blood sugar levelsGinger: This kitchen favorite is one of the most powerful herbs. Thousands of studies verify its use as an aid to circulation. Ginger gently warms elicitating optimal function throughout the entire body.

Fennel: Fennel promotes a healthy digestive tract. It can reduce nausea and reduce gassiness. It is so gentle that it can be used to relieve infant colic.

This is certainly not an exhaustive list, and I can vouch oolong and puerh tea as the fantastic cleanser and digestiv after a big fat meal ?

And if you have read this far, you must be like me who are keen to get some cleansing going.

But it’s a bit of a bother to find the right cleansing tea

Click to get Cleanse
Detoxify herbal blend
Well, me too, so I asked Patricia to review our existing detoxing herbals and finetuned them to give you more clean for the buck ;)We have 2 detoxifying herbal blends – Cleanse and Detoxify.Cleanse has always been my favourite herbal and very popular in our herbal range because its light floral minty taste is simple soothing. I think the marigold (calendula) in this blend does make me feel cleanser afterwards. You got to try to know what I mean.And our new improved Detoxify (replacing Purify), which has an Asian flavour to it, with primarily Asian herbs like fennel and cassia seeds. This one is stronger is taste. I like this one after eating red meat.
Click to get Detoxify