Oolong tea can tame hard-to-treat eczema
Posted by BEV A
Q: Thank you for your advice to try oolong tea for eczema. It’s been like a miracle.
I’ve had eczema on my scalp for most of my life. I would have terrible itching and scaling on my scalp that would usually bleed and scab over. It’s worse around the hairline and is embarrassing as well as painful.
I had tried everything my doctor prescribed. Nothing worked until the tea. I’ve been drinking it for about two weeks now, and I’d say there’s been at least an 85 percent improvement.
A: You aren’t the only reader to find oolong tea helpful. One person with hard-to-treat eczema reported: “The last time I had an outbreak, I tried oolong tea, and the results were amazing. Within 24 hours, the itching and inflammation were gone. It took a couple of days, but the lesions disappeared and didn’t leave scars.”
Japanese researchers reported that patients with a form of eczema improved after drinking a liter of oolong tea daily (Archives of Dermatology, January 2001). We have found no follow-up studies on this fascinating therapy.
(From HeraldTribune.com, Nov 2005)
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