A History of Tea

A History of Tea: The life and times of the world's favorite beverage

- By Laura C. Martin

Most books relating to tea focus on either its cultivation or the various curious customs around the world associated with tea. Sometimes interesting tidbits accompany them like those odd curiosities we find in museums but weren't expecting.

Unless somebody has a strong interest in tea beyond just drinking it, these books can be a bit challenging to read because they feel more like you need to study it for an essay or examination.

But then, once in a while a book turns up that can actually be enjoyed for its own sake. A History of Tea: The life and time of the world's favourite beverage by Laura C. Martin is one of those books.

Even if I weren't into tea, I found her book to be highly enjoyable. It flowed like a light historical work that is rooted in the story with supporting facts. Rather than the other way round, which let me get to know tea from whole new angle.

Another way to put it: If I had to start somewhere on my journey of learning more about tea, I would read her book first.


Teas.com.au book giveaway - 12 weeks to Christmas
For 12 weeks, we will review 1 book per week - the book reviewed is also the one we give away.
To enter to win the "book of the week":
1) email your friends and (bcc) us of this email address
2) add "TEA LIFESTYLE CHALLENGE 5" anywhere in your email to share the review.

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This draw is open to enter for 1 week from the review post date - from midnight 29 Oct to midnight 4 Nov 2018, Sydney (Australia time)

Have fun and read for your pleasure and leisure, with a delightful cup of tea!