Herbs for Winter

The comfort of a steamy hot cuppa is just unbeatable! The warmth from the steam, the fragrance of tea….ah….

Tea, whether it is black, green, oolong or white, comes from the same tea plant “camellia sinensis”.

They all have a wealth of nutrients such as fluoride, for better dental health; Vitamin C, for boosting the immune system and of course the germ busting antioxidants.

The difference between the various kinds of tea is in their processing. The least processed they are, the more original nutrients are retained in the leaf.

Green tea is made from unfermented leaves and is reputed to contain the highest concentration of powerful antioxidants. Many researches suggest green tea can aid weight control, relieve skin complains and help the body fight against bacteria and viruses, including cold and flu bugs.

Perhaps you prefer herbs so you can have a caffeine free beverage? Here are a number of herbs fantastic for winter.

  • Peppermint: Most of us eat too much during winter and the sniffles are part of the winter “ritual” for most of us. Peppermint is great for digestion, blocked noses and for the added bonus if you love garlic, helps to reduce bad breath!
    Try After Dinner, Mint Soother
  • Ginger: Ginger is known in many cultures as the germ busters. It is warming, spicy and digestive. Drop of a thin slice of ginger in your hot lemon black/green tea for a digestive cup to go with your Sunday afternoon read.
    Try Organic Ginger Kiss, Organic Invigorate (featured photo)
  • Rose Buds: You may not think too much about skin care as part of the winter health issue, but your skin does take a great toll in fighting against cold wind and harsh sun. Rose is known as a relaxant, but also fantastic for skin toning. It is also rich in Vitamin C. So add this one to your winter herbs list.
    Try Rose Oolong, Earl Grey Love

Herbal infusions are fantastic drinks in winter and all the ones we mentioned above are very “drinkable”. If you like, try them with a little bit of honey.

Prefer the strength of tea? You can always mix and match – Assam with Red Jujube is great for blood circulation and tastes like a slightly more sugary black tea. Rose Buds with green tea is a nice after meal cuppa. Or Ginger with oolong to help the digestion while replenishing the skin.