Korean roasted barley tea & Martial Arts

Today I did things differently. Instead of my usual tea, I decided to to enjoy a bit of Korean roasted barley tea - Boricha 보리차.
It is a bittersweet herbal infusion that when drunk cold, tastes very much like beer but without the alcohol aftertaste or slight fizz sensation. And is very good with helping to aid digestion and settle the stomach after a heavy night of meat, meat, and more meat. Would you like some meat with that plate of meat?
While my first introductions to roasted barley tea has been through Korean barbeque as the other free drink available besides water, I have come to appreciate this drink on its own merits.
Which as I am writing this makes me wonder as to why there isn't more written about Boricha 보리차. Every time I drink it, it makes me daydream about visiting Korea, especially their temples and places of respite. I am sure there is a connection somewhere.
However, there does not seem to be any relationship between it and Korean martial arts. In Chinese and Japanese martial arts, tea comes with the territory; historically, physically, spiritually and meta-physically. To have no obvious connection seems odd.
Very odd indeed because Boricha 보리차 as a herbal drink is excellent for grounding the body firmly to the earth like a farmer defending his plot from raiders! In a more modern setting, drinking it is like being in the present moment of now as it is without worry as to what is coming.
Now when I think about it, that last statement is kind of lacking in the excitement department. Perhaps that's why not much is said about it. A bit like daily martial arts practice. Everyday the same boring thing, until... That glorious day when gold gets struck! And we smash that effen wood board in two!
Perhaps there is a flowering knight currently mastering the six healing arts of Korean martial arts, who could guide me down the path a little bit further?

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