The Diary of a Tokyo Teen

The Diary of a Tokyo Teen: A Japanese-American girl travels to the land of trendy fashion, high tech toilets and maid cafes.

- By Christine Mari Inzer

The diary of a Tokyo teen is a book about an American teenage girl (Christine) who travels to Japan. She learns different things, new ways and have many funny experiences. Christine must also find her courage to walk in the streets on her own.

Diary of Tokyo Teen (Tuttle)

There was this one part where she was busting to use the bathroom but she saw the Japanese toilets and didn't know how to use it. So she went into the next stall but the same thing happened. As Christine describes it, you can see the different emotions in what she was feeling and the ways she illustrated this situation.

I rate this book 4/5 stars because I really like the observations in the book. The drawings are unique. It is very useful for travellers going to Japan for the first time. 

Written by Athena, age 10 book giveaway - 12 weeks to Christmas
For 12 weeks, we will review 1 book per week - the book reviewed is also the one we give away.

To enter to win the "book of the week":
1) email your friends and (bcc) us of this email address
2) add "TEA LIFESTYLE CHALLENGE 4" anywhere in your email to share the review.

One friend emailed = one chance to win.
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Enter as many "book of the week" draws as you like by sharing the review as mentioned above.

This draw is open to enter for 1 week from the review post date - from midnight 29 Oct to midnight 4 Nov 2018, Sydney (Australia time)

Have fun and read for your pleasure and leisure, with a delightful cup of tea!